Thu Nov 18 2021

Freedom of Thoughts

<blockquote><p>"Revolution is an inalienable right of mankind. Freedom is an imperishable birthright of all"&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;- BHAGAT SINGH&nbsp;</p></blockquote><p>It's has been 74 Years of freedom. But are we really free? Is the very idea of freedom limpid or is it still hidden behind a thick mist of misconceptions. For me independence is the freedom to think freely. Do we always think freely? The truth is that our thoughts are often caged within the bars of superstitions, fear. But we can neither blame our thought process nor ourselves for in the nature we are brought up reflects ourselves. Then what can we do? Just like the freedom fighters who broke apart the bars to save our motherland, we can also break open the cage of misconceptions, credulity, negativity to bring in happiness, joy, positivity and build a tranquil future. This is what I love about Baranagar Udyog; their will to develop an atmosphere where people are free from their own confined thoughts. I believe in cycles, not only in the cycle of life and death but also in the cycle that what depends on us is what we depend on. As I said earlier that we reflect the nature in which we are grown but if we think carefully then we are the only components of that nature, so it's just us who can change it. Our small change in the angle of thinking will itself change the whole nature in which we are nurtured.&nbsp;</p><p>I pray that these baby steps that Baranagar Udyog takes would lead them to the creation of the better tomorrow. And this Independence Day let's give our minds wings of freedom and celebrate independence in its true sense.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>&nbsp;- SAIMONTI DAS</strong></p><p><br>&nbsp;</p>

Tags: thoughts


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