Mon Nov 15 2021

From the Secretary's Desk

<p><strong>“সুখে দুঃখে , দুর্ভিক্ষে যাতনায়, স্বশানে, স্বর্গে বা নরকে যে আমাকে কখনোই ত্যাগ করে না, সেইতো বন্ধু।“</strong>&nbsp;<br>– Swami Vivekananda</p><p>This quote has always left me fascinated; its message is like a bright beam of sunlight. We all have come in this world to accomplish some task and the common task which ties all of us in the same string is the work of being a friend. I am an engineer, so I may say friendship is support giving system. Also being a technology geek I always want to shade the light of this boon on the downtrodden paths. My urge to create such a system led me to UDYOG</p><p>UDYOG wants to sculpt a world where independence has the meaning in its true sense, a world where nobody is dependent on anyone’s will, work, or wages. As a team of philanthropists, our vision &amp; mission is to impart knowledge and education in a child of 5 to a grown-up of 80. We believe education is the only way to attend self-dependency.</p><p>UDYOG is on a journey and as the journey demands to be more beautiful than the destination so I welcome you all who contribute even a single minute to the welfare of this organization to walk on this wonderful journey and complete the task of being a friend.</p><p>Email id :</p>



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